Privacy Policy and Personal Data

We invite you to carefully read this document (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy” or the “Privacy Rules”). If you have any questions about this document or, in general, about the collection and processing of your personal information by the Fondation Clément Fayat, please do not hesitate to contact us via the following e-mail address:

1. Preamble and scope

Fondation Clément Fayat is concerned about preserving the confidentiality of your personal information and attaches great importance to protecting the privacy of the users of its services.

The purpose of the Privacy Policy is to define the rules applicable to the collection and processing of your personal information (hereinafter “Personal Data”) via our website. Personal Data is defined as any information relating to a natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, such as the surnames, first names, email and postal addresses of a natural person, their image in a photograph or video, an IP address, location data, number plate, etc.

Our Privacy Rules detail the Personal Data that we collect and process via our website, the reasons for processing your Personal Data, how we use it and the features offered to enable you to access and update your Personal Data.

The Privacy Policy is an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions of Use of the site. It applies to users of our site regardless of their category.

Our Privacy Rules do not apply to services offered by third-party companies, operating Fondation Clément Fayat partner websites or other websites accessible from our services. We are not responsible for how these sites use your Personal Data.

2. Privacy Rules acceptance and updates

En utilisant le site vous confirmez avoir pris connaissance et acceptez sans restriction ni réserve les présentes. Si vous êtes en désaccord avec l’un de ses termes, vous êtes libre de ne pas ou ne plus utiliser nos services.

3. Personal Data Controller

The processing of Personal Data is subject to French law, in particular to Law no. 78-17 of the 6th of January, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, as amended (known as the French Data Protection Act) as well as to the (EU) regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 27th of April, 2016 applicable from the 25th of May, 2018 (known as GDPR).

Le « responsable de traitement », tel que défini par ladite Loi, des Données Personnelles des Utilisateurs du site est : Fondation Clément Fayat, ADRESSE, France. Le représentant du responsable de traitement est NOM DU RESPONSABLE.

In this capacity, we undertake, within the framework of our business, to respect the provisions of said Law, and to carry out a lawful, fair and transparent processing of your Personal Data. In particular, to carry out data processing for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, without being further processed in any manner that is incompatible with these purposes, for a period that does not exceed the period necessary for the purposes for which they are collected and processed.

4. Catégories de Données Personnelles collectées et traitées via le site

a) Personal data that you submit to Fondation Clément Fayat

We collect Personal Data from users who use: the contact form.

Le site implique donc la collecte et le traitement de vos Données Personnelles en fonction de l’utilisation que vous en faites. Nous pouvons donc collecter votre nom, prénom, adresse mail, numéro téléphone, adresse e-mail & postale, etc. Certaines informations sont obligatoires pour obtenir nos services (suivi d’un astérisque) et d’autres facultatives comme dans notre formulaire de contact par exemple.

b) Cookies

Un « cookie » (ou « traceur ») est un témoin de connexion qui désigne un fichier texte susceptible d’être enregistré dans un espace dédié du disque dur de votre terminal (ordinateur, tablette, ou smartphone), à l’occasion de la consultation d’un service accessible en ligne. Un cookie permet à son émetteur d’identifier le terminal dans lequel il est enregistré, pendant la durée de validité ou d’enregistrement du cookie. Le cookie ne permet donc pas de vous identifier en tant que tel ; il sert à enregistrer vos informations de navigation sur le site

Lors de vos visites sur le site, des informations relatives à votre navigation sont susceptibles d’être enregistrées dans des fichiers « Cookies » installés sur votre terminal, sous réserve des choix que vous aurez exprimés concernant les cookies et que vous pouvez modifier à tout moment. Ces cookies permettent une navigation personnalisée de l’Utilisateur et sont également utilisés à des fins analytiques (mesures d’audience).

Vous serez averti de l’existence des cookies et de leur(s) finalité(s) dès votre connexion au site, par la présence d’un bandeau d’information placé en bas ou en haut du site.

The storage and reading of cookies on your device requires your prior consent, by clicking on “I accept”. However, you can configure your browser to refuse cookies or customise cookie settings by following one of the procedures below. If you agree to the use of cookies, your agreement will be valid for 13 months. You will then need to renew your agreement at the end of this period.

En cas de refus des cookies, ou si vous supprimez ceux qui y sont enregistrés, nous vous informons que vous ne pourrez plus bénéficier d’un certain nombre de fonctionnalités qui sont néanmoins nécessaires pour naviguer dans certains espaces de notre site web. Le cas échéant, nous déclinons toute responsabilité pour les conséquences liées au fonctionnement dégradé de nos services résultant de l’impossibilité pour nous d’enregistrer ou de consulter les cookies nécessaires à leur fonctionnement et que vous auriez refusés ou supprimés. Enfin, il convient de distinguer les cookies que nous émettons sur notre site de ceux émis par des tiers. À ce titre, sachez que des cookies peuvent être placés de temps à autres sur certaines pages du site par des tiers (annonceurs publicitaires ou autres). Nous vous informons que nous n’exerçons aucun contrôle sur l’utilisation de cookies par les tiers.

5. Terms of Use of Personal Data

a) Purposes of the collection and processing of your Personal Data

The Personal Data of Users is only collected and processed for the purposes defined in this article, namely:

  1. To provide and manage our services.
  2. To communicate with Users and improve the quality of our services, namely to answer your questions and inform you of our news.
  3. To resolve a dispute or resolve any problem in connection with the use of our services.
  4. The generation of statistical reports and studies based on anonymised data.

Any use of Personal Data for purposes other than those set out above in our Privacy and Data Protection Policy will require your prior consent.

The legal basis for the collection of your Personal Data for the aforementioned purposes is your consent as provided for in Article 6-1-a of the European Personal Data Regulation. This constitutes the free, specific, informed and unambiguous expression of will by which you agree, through the positive act of accepting this Privacy and Data Protection Policy, that Personal Data concerning you may be processed.

As provided for in Article 7 of the GDPR, you may withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on your consent carried out prior to its withdrawal.

b) Retention period of your Personal Data

We undertake to keep your Personal Data only for as long as is strictly necessary for the declared processing(s) according to the aforementioned purposes, and in any case within the limits imposed by the law. Also, depending on the type of Personal Data, the retention period may vary from a few days to several years.

In any event, we undertake to erase your Personal Data from our databases at the end of these different periods.

However, we may retain certain information for a later period in order to meet our legal, accounting and tax obligations. In this case, your data will be deactivated and will no longer be accessible online.

6. Sharing information with third parties

a) Lack of communication to third parties

We undertake not to disclose the information and Personal Data you provide to us to third parties. This information and Personal Data are used exclusively by our internal services and will under no circumstances be transferred or sold to third parties without your express prior consent.

b) Communication for external processing needs

Your information and Personal Data may, where appropriate, be transmitted to third-party subcontractors involved in the provision of our services (technical and hosting providers, customer care and satisfaction surveys, security incident management or fraudulent activity, etc.).

Fondation Clément Fayat undertakes to communicate your information and Personal Data only to authorised and trusted service providers, who process them on our behalf, according to our instructions and in accordance with these Privacy Rules and in compliance with any other appropriate security and confidentiality measures.

c) Communication for judicial and legal reasons

In addition, your information and Personal Data may be disclosed to a third party if Fondation Clément Fayat is required to do so by law, regulation, or court order, or if such disclosure is necessary for the purposes of an investigation, injunction, or judicial proceeding in national territory or abroad.

Similarly, we may share your information and Personal Data with companies, consultants or third parties in order to:

– Faire appliquer la Politique de Confidentialité du site en vigueur, y compris pour constater d’éventuels manquements à celles-ci ;

• Guard against any infringement of the rights, property or security of Fondation Clément Fayat and its users, in application and in compliance with the law.

d) Transfer of data outside the European Union

We do not transfer any Personal Data of our Users outside the European Union.

7. Security of Personal Data

We implement all the necessary security measures to protect your Personal Data against any unauthorised access and disclosure, modification, damage or destruction of the data we hold.

To this end, Fondation Clément Fayat and its technical and hosting providers have deployed appropriate measures to ensure the integrity, confidentiality and security of your Personal Data. However, we cannot guarantee that your communications and other Personal Data will not be intercepted or disclosed by a third party.

We inform you that your Personal Data is stored on servers located in the European Union.

8. Respect des droits des Utilisateurs du site

You have a right of information and access (e.g. verifying the data that we keep about you), a right of rectification and deletion (updating or correcting your data), a right to restrict the processing of personal data, a right to portability, a right of objection and a right of erasure (e.g. closure of your personal account) of your Personal Data, as well as a right not to be the subject of an automated individual decision, including profiling.

In addition, it should be noted that these rights offer you the possibility of modifying your notification preferences at any time, by accepting or refusing that your Personal Data be used within the framework of our marketing or promotional actions.

You can exercise these rights at any time in two ways:

– By post to the address mentioned in Section 3 above,

– By email to:

If you exercise these rights, we endeavour to respond to your requests as soon as possible, within the maximum legal limit of one month, without incurring any costs to you, subject to any abuse of rights. In this case, before exercising this right, we may ask you for proof of your identity in order to verify that you are entitled to make such a request.

In case of dispute or disagreement, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

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